Settling in
and enjoying - Lifestyle
- Transport and mobility
- Real estate
- Childcare
- Schools
- Vocational training
- Health and medical care
- Senior citizens
As a young canton that is intrinsically focused on the future, the Jura pays homage to its traditions, celebrating them with dignity. Various annual events attract visitors from all over the country and abroad: Saignelégier’s famous Marché-Concours national de chevaux horse festival; Ajoie’s popular Saint-Martin festival that celebrates the pig in 12 dishes; the not-to-be-missed Carnaval that is celebrated throughout the canton; and Porrentruy’s festive Braderie event bringing the whole canton together.
Marché-Concours national de chevaux, Saignelégier
Les Sauvages, carnival Le Noirmont
Feast of St. Martin, Ajoie
St. Martin's Market, Porrentruy
Braderie, Porrentruy
Braderie, Porrentruy